Node JS with MongoClient MongoDB #03
In these videos, I am covering how to do basic integration with MySQL, Postgres and MongoDB
without using any ORM tool and by writing plain simple queries
After this we will move to ORMs in Node JS

00:00 Installation & setup
02:00 docker-compose
07:00 writing express server
09:00 MongoClient Connection
16:00 building routes
18:00 testing api routes

Node JS with different ORM
Typeorm, Knex, Prisma and Sequelize with Node JS API Development
Node JS with without any ORM (MYSQL raw queries)

Node JS express with Knex
Nest JS with Knex query Builder
Node JS express with sequelize
Nest JS with sequelize ORM
Node JS express with TypeORM
Nest JS with TypeORM orm library
Node JS express with Prisma
Nest JS with Prisma

GitHub examples

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