Stack Overflow Clone - APIs Integration Redux Toolkit [Closure] - App Demo #05

Hi Everyone,
🔥 This Video is a part of the Playlist "Stack Overflow Clone Application" and we are covering everything from ground zero to hero
Stack Overflow Clone Application | Full Stack Development
React Nextjs, Nestjs, TypeORM & Postgres

🔥 outlines for this video
00:00:00 Redux state using dev tools for application
00:05:00 looking into firebase token payload
00:06:00 Populating user object in DB tables from token
00:09:00 updating questions, answer APIs with new user data
00:15:00 Populating user metadata on UI from APIs data
00:18:00 updating data for question listing and answers listing pages
00:23:00 Populating tags on the sidebar from the questions the selector
00:40:00 Adding upvote and downvote action using dispatch
00:56:00 Adding new async action for creating question and answer
00:58:30 Accessing redux state in createAsyncThunk method for getting token
01:00:00 Accessing protected APIs with an authorization token
01:06:00 Model popup to generate question and answers
01:10:00 closure of full stack clone app

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⭐️ Welcome to Stack Overflow Clone Application
we are going to make everything from ground zero using the latest technology and tools
We will make the most common features for any simple stack overflow app

In this app user can post a question, answer an existing question and can add comment for a question

- ⭐️ User Auth using Firebase google auth Provider
- ⭐️ APIs using nest js for managing question, answers and comment
- ⭐️ UI design and component building using React Framework
- ⭐️ Application will be using latest react router and state management using redux/toolkit

Tools and technologies we are going to use

- ⭐️ Architecture discussion for building two tier application
- ⭐️ Designing different services
- ⭐️ Application setup with monorepo solutions
- ⭐️ using PNPM workspaces to manage apps and packages
- ⭐️ Nx for monorepo tooling
- ⭐️ Building packages for api application.
- ⭐️ Express with Node JS and typescript
- ⭐️ Building React typescript application with Redux/Toolkit
- ⭐️ Prisma and TypeORM for services
- ⭐️ Docker and containerization for postgres

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🔗 Nodejs Microservices -

🔗 Full Stack Clone Apps using Next JS -
🔗 Next JS 13 Crash Course -
🔗 Nodejs Master Course -
🔗 ... 100+ more playlist
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I’m Tarun, I am Publisher, Trainer Developer, working on Enterprise and open source Technologies JavaScript frameworks (React Angular, sveltekit, nextjs), I work with client-side and server-side javascript programming which includes node js or any other frameworks Currently working with JavaScript framework React & Node js 🚀 with Graphql 🎉 developer publications.

I am a passionate Javascript developer writing end-to-end applications using javascript using React, Angular 🅰️, and Vue JS with Node JS, I publish video tutorials and write about everything I know. I aim to create a beautiful corner of the web free of ads, sponsored posts,
